A Long Overdue Return to Robert Smalls.

I return to my Robert Smalls project with a rough layout for page 17
Figuring out the next page layout.

This return has been LONG overdue and for that, I can only apologise.

After completing page 16, Lockdown ended and I started back at work full-time, and picked up my social life again and I’ll be honest; it took some adjusting to. After months of not having to go out to work and not being able to go out and see people, a return to real life was a shock to the system. I had forgotten how busy and chaotic my life was and for quite a while, it felt too much. I wasn’t used to it. I struggled.

Also, after having used lockdown to get a good start on this project, suddenly I had far less time to give to it. While I won’t say I had none, I will say I just wasn’t finding the time for it. I was focusing on other things and I think I needed to for a while.

But recently, with lockdown beginning to feel like a distant memory, I have been itching to return to this project again. Not only that, but feeling guilty that I had let it fall by the wayside. For several weeks those feelings have been building but I still didn’t find the time for it.

A couple of weeks ago, I did a drawing for my girlfriend’s (she’s another new development!) birthday – the first drawing I had done in over a year and it tipped the balance: I missed drawing too much. Now it is October: Black History Month. Now seemed like the best time to pick this project back up.

Today, I have made time for it. I’m still trying to work out how I can make regular time for it, but I will. For those of you still here; thank you and I’m sorry for the break.

So, for the first time in far too long, here is the first work I have done on my Robert Smalls project. It may not look like much – it has taken a while as I am very rusty – but these are some rough drawings in my sketchbook as I try to figure out the layout for the next page: Page 17.

You can see the rest of the project to date here.

Unsung Superheroes is an ongoing project, creating graphic novels based on the stories of real-life historical figures whose stories may not be as well-known as they could be.

New pages are added to the current story on the Homepage.

If you would like to help support this project financially, please consider signing up to my Patreon. For less than the price of a cup of coffee per new page created, you can become a Patron of the Arts and help keep this project going.
There’s no minimum sign-up period. You can stop at any time.

Also available is the opportunity for you to appear as a character in the novel.

I’m donating 10% of all pledges to Anti-Slavery International to help them in their efforts to stop modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

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